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Whistle-blower Lines

Tremac can provide a tailored whistle-blower function for your business. Tremac currently provides whistle-blower services to many different businesses, with a tailored solution that has been specifically designed and adapted to suit their needs.

What is a whistleblowing hotline?

A whistleblowing hotline (or whistleblowing system) is a service that enables employees and third party suppliers to report malpractice, unlawful or unethical behaviour within the workplace.

It usually refers to a telephone-based service, but is often complemented by other reporting options, such as an email address or postal service.

It is also known as
  • Speak up line
  • Ethics line
  • Confidential reporting system
  • Fraud Line
  • Loss prevention line
  • Helpline

Why do organisations use hotlines?

Protect employees

Organisations often introduce hotlines to allow employees to raise issues that they may feel uncomfortable discussing with a manager. This can help expose important issues that would otherwise remain undisclosed and help reassure employees that their concerns will be taken seriously.

Risk intelligence

For most organisations, there is no better information source than its employees. But corrupt and illegal behaviour often goes undetected because employees fear the consequences of reporting them through existing internal channels. Implemented correctly, a hotline can be a powerful tool in helping to expose illegal or unethical behaviour. Organisations therefore often place a high value on the risk intelligence that an effective hotline can provide.

Reputational reasons

Protecting brand reputation is often a key motivator for a business choosing to introduce a whistleblowing hotline. If employees or third parties do not have access to a reporting channel provided by the organisation, they may choose to use alternative public channels. A whistleblowing hotline can give an organisation early sight of a potential issue, and reduce the likelihood of potentially damaging information reaching the public domain.


New laws came into effect on 1 July 2019: Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Whistleblower Protections) Act 2019 amending the Corporations Act 2001 and Tax Administration Act 1953 imposing new obligations on corporations. 

A whistleblowing hotline can help a business comply with its legal and regulatory responsibilities.

Get in touch with TreMAC
to further discuss your whistleblower needs